Business Book 2023

In 2023, the Institute completed 10 years of efforts and hard work. We are particularly proud of the quality of our work especially in the field of vocational education and training.

The Institute was established in 2013 as a non-Profit Organisation. Based in the city Astros, Peloponnese, South Greece, currently run by a team of highly educated members in the fields of Finance, Business Administration, Agricultural and Food Science and Biotechnology. Their contribution and experience in research and EU-funded projects, always in cooperation with European Universities has provided them with the appropriate experience to manage efficiently any difficulty and challenge during project implementation. Additionally, the experience gained during project preparation and proposal writing, guarantees the quality of the Institute as a partner. Since 2015, the Institute not just contributes as a copartner to various projects, but in fact is the key partner during the implementation leading the completion of the project tasks. Our presence through our partnerships can be found from Lithuania to Cyprus and from there to The Netherlands, covering most of the European territory.

Looking continuously for new cooperation…

Considering that the Institute is a non-profit organization our main target is the quality of our work and not the final profit. Most funding is distributed to the people supporting the scope of the Institute and the rest for operating costs. We are looking continuously for new cooperation, aiming to expand our network, experience, and knowledge. Our successfully implemented projects are the proof of this vision. The Institute is one of the few non-profit organizations that allocates own financial resources for funding small projects either for research or training purposes.

Get the Business Book 2023.